The SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law is a cross-border cooperation network. The project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Our latest news, updates and stories not only in regard to the SEE I EU Cluster of Excellence but also from our partner faculties and the Europa-Institut of Saarland University.
Register now: Global Classroom “Equality and Diversity in Human Rights”
The Europa-Institut and the SEE|EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law offer a lecture series with joint group work which is open for …
Conference “Current Issues of European Integration and Western Balkans”
We are happy to invite you all to this years conference of the cluster. Unfortunately, it has to take place online on the 17th of …
NEW Call for Paper
Call 4 Papers – Series of Papers 2021 We are happy to announce a new call for paper which deal with European and International Law …
Autumn School Law & Gender
We are happy to publish a new call for the 2021 autumn school on Law & Gender. Unfortunately, it has to be held online due …

Our comprehensive Online Campus with numerous well-designed courses on European and International Law created by renowned professors and professionals from Germany and South Eastern Europe.