The SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law is a cross-border cooperation network and consists of:
- Europa-Institut | Saarland University
- South East European Law School Network (SEELS)
- University of Belgrade, Law Faculty
- University of Sarajevo, Law Faculty
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Law Faculty
- University of Tirana, Law Faculty
- University of Zagreb, Law Faculty
The project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The objective of the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence is to promote outstanding capabilities in the area of research and teaching.
The cluster aims to develop common structures and to increasingly coordinate the research and teaching of European and International Law. This includes: developing EU Neighborhood Policy and common strategies on cross-border, regional, and local cooperation. The Cluster of Excellence will implement various measures and activities with the aspiration to achieve the following goals:
- Establish a network of excellence in European and International Law
- Formation of joint structures
- Develop expertise in the area of European Neighborhood Policy
- Coordinate teaching and research between South Eastern Europe and Germany
The SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence aims to develop and improve cooperation both in the areas of teaching and research in European and International Law.