Summer School
Current Challenges in Human Rights Protection
The Summer School “Current Challenges in Human Rights Protection†will take place at the Europa-Institut, Saarland University from 29th June until 6th July 2019. It will be organized within the framework of the thematic network SEE |EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law, financially supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany.
The program aims to further develop the knowledge in European fundamental rights protection & international human rights protection and gives the opportunity for networking of PhD candidates and advanced master students who plan to enrol in PhD studies. Lectures in the aforementioned fields will be delivered in the morning by renowned professors and experts both from Germany and South Eastern Europe whereas the afternoon is foreseen for studies or individual research in our very user friendly library and one of the official EDCs (European Documentation Centers) of the European Union. An excursion to the ECJ in Luxemburg is planned. The detailed topics will be more precisely defined and published in the upcoming weeks. The program will be delivered in English.
The participation in the summer school will be awarded with a certificate of successful completion provided regular attendance of classes and successful completion of given tasks. It will be an individual decision of the participants’ academic institution if the certificate is recognized towards obtaining ECTS.
The following eligibility criteria will be applied in the selection:
- The candidates should be enrolled as full-time student at one of the SEELS members or Saarland University in a PhD or Master programme (planning to enrol in PhD studies). She/he should demonstrate interest in and knowledge of substantial amount of EU and international law related content; European fundamental rights protection & international human rights protection particularly. PhD candidates with PhD topics in the aforementioned topics should be given priority;
- The PhD candidates and advanced master students who plan to enrol in PhD studies should have demonstrated high academic achievements;
- The PhD candidates and advanced master students who plan to enrol in PhD studies should demonstrate high interest and motivation to participate in the summer school;
- The PhD candidates and advanced master students who plan to enrol in PhD studies should demonstrate a very good knowledge of English language;
- The applications of the PhD candidates and advanced master students who plan to enrol in PhD studies are supported by one member of his/her academic community.
Each application shall include:
- filled-in application form (Summer School_2019_Application form);
- scan of passport;
- scan and translation of academic transcripts (as per instructions provided in application form);
- scan and translation of language/training certificates (as per instructions provided in application form);
- letter of recommendation (as per instructions provided in application form).
The selected candidates shall be provided with travel and accommodation grants, as per the instructions provided in the application form. The costs of the travel will be reimbursed at the end of the Summer School and will be dependent on regular attendance of lectures and fulfilment of given tasks.
The reimbursement will be in fixed lump sums, regardless of the means of transport used and up to the sums as follows:
Belgrade |
275 |
Sarajevo |
350 |
Skopje |
250 |
Tirana |
325 |
Zagreb |
350 |
SEELS Members |
250 |
Accommodation will be provided in standard double rooms in a hotel in Saarbrücken. Costs for accommodation and the course are covered by the DAAD with the financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office. Meals will be either provided or financially supported. Additional costs could occur for daily expenses and additional excursions.
Deadline for submission of applications is 19th May 2019 at 23:59 CET.
Candidates from the law faculties of Belgrade, Podgorica/Montenegro, Saarland, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tirana and Zagreb should send their applications in English language, in electronic form in single.pdf file to with subject: Cluster Summer School Application-Last Name, First Name.
Candidates from all other SEELS members should send their applications in English language, in electronic form in single.pdf file to with subject: Cluster Summer School Application-Last Name, First Name.