Model Curriculum

In times of economic crisis, social injustice, climate change, water scarcity, energy depletion, resource wars, and other global challenges, Public International Law is becoming the definitive guide. The solution of these challenges cannot be achieved solely at a national level, but require a reliable international cooperation based on international agreements.

Model CurriculumThe same applies to the law of the European Union. The enlarged European Union must play a growing role in a globalized world. A strong Europe in the world should serve to promote peace and prosperity and this cannot be achieved without the legal framework. Therefore, the importance and influence of the European Union on legal education should not be underestimated. Thus, the European Law is so important for all Member States. A considerable part of all laws are based on European Law. We need well-trained lawyers, who are confident in the application of European Law as well as Public International Law. Tus is especially true for the countries in Southeastern Europe, who plan to accede to the European Union.

Accordingly, all of the partners, including the Europa- Institut, collaborated closely to set up common structures and standards to harmonise the research and teaching of European and International Law by developing a model curriculum.

A curriculum has to be a dynamic process and has to be adjusted to the needs and challenges of our society. However, the curricula should reflect innovation and answer the demands of the markets.

The analysis of the Bologna Process and its conditions and implications for the curricula of jurisprudence and in particular European and international law at our Bologna Conference was an informative examination of the topic and prerequisite for the fruitful coordination and understanding of the teaching methods of the various countries. Afterwards, we met again at the Round Table in Saarbrücken to work out the draft model curriculum. The aim of this meeting was to share and exchange best practices.

The drafted model curriculum in European and International Law works as a basis for the development of joint teaching activities and as a model in the curriculum reformation by all faculties interested. The model curriculum should not be a strict set of rules. It is supposed to serve as a guideline that has benefited from the cross-border cooperation and combines the best of the various curricula that already exist. We explicitly want to point out that there exist other concepts to teach European and International Law. The drafted model curriculum is a compromise of minimum standards and should be adjusted to the needs of every faculty.

Online Reader: Model Curriculum


For all participants involved

Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich