The cluster welcomes every year several researchers at the Europa-Institut and grants scholarships for their stay.
If you need excellent books, friendly staff and good working conditions, the Europa-Institut is the right place to stay – Unforgettable life experience.
Đorđe Marković, Belgrade
Besides joint research projects in the respective field of European and International Law to be developed by individual partners among themselves, a joint Graduate School of Excellence in European and International Law in South East Europe will be established.
It will give the attending post-graduate students the opportunity to improve their knowledge in a specialized area of law and define their own detailed knowledge and research portfolio. The school will in this context focus on raising interest with regard to the issue of cross-border regional and local cooperation, the EU neighbourhood policy in general and the gradual approximation of neighbouring states to EU legal standards. The Graduate School will contain attendants of all partner institutions.
Pressebilder für die Universität des Saarlandes
Foto: Oliver Dietze