Erasmus+ helps organise student and doctoral candidate exchanges within Erasmus+ Programme countries and to and from Partner countries.
By studying abroad with Erasmus+, you can improve your communication, language and inter-cultural skills and gain soft skills highly valued by future employers. Read more about the benefits of an exchange abroad.
Opportunities to study abroad are available to students at Bachelor and Master levels and Doctoral candidates. (European Commission, 2018)
The Europa-Institut maintains Erasmus+ partnerships with numerous partners and is thus able to attract students for study exchanges, as well as invite staff (administrative and academic) for training or teaching. For more information, please visit:
Erasmus+ at the International Office of Saarland University:
Foreign Office of the Faculty of Law:
For other funding possibilities please check:
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Stipendium:
Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst – DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service):
Open Society Foundation:
Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst – KAAD (Catholic Academic Exchange Service):